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Dungeons & Dragons Camp

Prepare for an adventure at this D&D summer camp at Math 'n' Stuff!

D&D Summer Camp


Dungeons & Dragons is a dice-based fantasy story-telling adventure game. This class will guide students through a group adventure in which they work to improve their character's skills and abilities and to find items to help them on their quest, all while working together as a team to ultimately overcome different monsters or other challenges they will face on their journey. Curiosity, quick and creative thinking and problem-solving, and of course, communication will make the final telling of the story, one for the ages.

Each player will be taking on the identity of a character in a land of make believe. Each character has strengths and weaknesses. The story-telling nature of the game generally rewards curiosity and creativity. The nuts and bolts of the game require communication, strategy, teamwork, and probability -- most actions in the game require rolling a die to determine an outcome, good or bad. Adventurers will have a primer of the rules at the beginning of the course and develop a deeper understanding through play and experience. Over the course of the camp, students will develop skills in creative story-telling, critical thinking and problem-solving, working together, listening, and reasoning using probability


Age Range: 10 - 15 (Grades 5 - 10)

Time: 11am - 3pm

2025 Dates:

  • July 14 - July 18
  • August 11 - August 15


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Our week will be broken down into two sessions- the first will be our learning modules where we will introduce the players to the basics of the game.

Day 1 - Break down of how to read character sheets, ability scores, and modifiers. We'll cover the first 4 character races and classes. Then we'll break, and then launch our afternoon gaming session for 90-minutes.

Day 2 - Action basics, how to play combat sequences, how to use basic magic spells. We will review the next few character races and classes. Break, then launch our afternoon gaming session for 90-minutes.

Day 3 - We'll finish the last round of character classes, answer questions about adventuring basics, equipment, and then break. We'll then launch a gaming session for at least 90-minutes.

Day 4 - Introduction to leading a game and how to be a Dungeon Master (DM). Crafting a story, drawing a hook for your players, how to keep track of the adventure. Then we'll break and then finish with a 90-minute gaming session.

Day 5 - Graduation! Today is the big one, 2 90-minute gaming sessions and finish leveling your characters!


What to bring:

Please bring pencils and notebooks, sunscreen, water, lunch/snacks etc.

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